#108: Murphysboro Mud Monster

During the summer of 1973, the town of Murphysboro, Illinois, became the epicenter of one of the most infamous cases of monster-mania on record when terrified locals reported a series of extraordinary encounters with a huge, hairy, mud-slathered monstrosity, which tormented the citizens of this small community for near two weeks before its reign of terror abruptly ended, resulting in one of the strangest and, in some ways, most frightening cases in the history of cryptozoology.

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#107: Spring-heeled Jack

Bursting into the Victorian era like a diabolical super-villain, this red-eyed, flame spewing, cape-clad thug terrorized first London, then all of England during a nearly 70 year reign of terror that some say was of demonic or even extraterrestrial origin, but what others insist was a prosperous cabal of scientifically gifted and supernaturally endowed men who assumed the guise of this enigmatic entity for nefarious purposes far beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.

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#106: Black Eyed Kids

Black Eyed Kids are a bizarre and terrifying phenomenon that seems to dwell in that nebulous void between demonology, cryptozoology, ufology and the paranormal. For decades, tales of chilling encounters with these sinister beings have emerged; insinuating themselves into the subconscious of the human race and leaving millions both perplexed and horrified by the implications of these undeniably evil entities.

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#105: The Hexed Heads Of Hexham

Not long after the dawn of the 1970s, two brothers excavated a pair carved, sandstone heads that were buried in their backyard. Delighted by their finds, the young siblings rushed home to show off the curious artifacts; never suspecting that these simple yet sinister sculptures carried with them an ancient curse that would unleash a paranormal Pandora’s Box on all those foolish enough to take possession of the cursed carvings.

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