#202: Batsh*t Crazy Cryptids: The Yellow-What-Is-It And The Alaskan Octo-Cat

This pair of ostensibly cryptozoological encounters represents two of the most terrifying and bizarre unknown creature cases on record and forces one to wonder what other unmitigated genetic horrors mother nature may have concocted the primordial cauldron of evolution.

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#201: The D.C. Paper Men

In 2010, a government worker accidentally stumbled into an unnerving encounter with entities of unknown origin; instantaneously ripping him from the workaday world of his everyday existence and thrusting him headlong into a perfidious and peculiar parallel universe that made him not only question his sanity… but fear for his very life.

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#200: Transformer Terror

In a scenario culled equally from a mid-50s, sci-fi drive-in epic and a 1980s animated TV classic, a young Florida couple had a terrifying run-in with a transforming, mechanical creature—an encounter that would leave them in a state of shock and forever shatter their preconceived notions of reality.

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